US Presidential Election 2020

Give him lifetime immunity (not Covid), it’s probably what he’s after.

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For those that thought the GOP would cut and run from Trump…

A lot of them owe their wins to him. Trump brought out a record Republican vote which helped the likes of Graham and about 6 other senators keep their seats.

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Republicans and dodgy donations , plus la change

Trump bringing out the big guns I see

Trump 6/1 to win Georgia

He’s 17/2 with paddy power to win Georgia

Surely trump can press a button that throws up a big steel dome or force field around the white house?

11/2 with ladbrokes

For a dome or a force field?

None of the Republican leadership have said a word in support. Think Trump might have damaged his hopes of running in 2024 last night.

In Belarus 40% of the electorate voted early by mail. Lukashenko won with 80% of the vote. Turnout was 120% in some places. That’s how you do it.


Up there with Al Gore losing Tennessee.

CNN seem to have taken issue with a candidate not accepting an election result gracefully. I’m sure if he say back and made baseless allegations of Russian interference for the next few years they’d support him. They have form there.


It’s mad to see how Trumpism has influenced people around the world.

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I laughed out loud at this picture. What a place. Fucking hell.

Like bad refereeing decisions, These things even themselves out … Republicans and far right zealots can now spend 4 years moaning about Dem voter fraud.