US Presidential Election 2020

Cute old fox, played his cards perfectly it seems according to anonymous poster on political conspiracy site.

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6D. Wow that’s a lot of D


Sleepy Joe walked right into it. Sleepwalked if you want…

Wait til @bill sees this


And this is exactly the kind of thing that Camp Trump would have been able to keep under wraps for the last two days.

It’s almost…too simple.

One more than 5.

I wonder if they’ve considered 7D?

@TheUlteriorMotive furiously searching for a 6D chessboard meme


You can’t play chess or work your abs in 7D.

it’s like your dreaming about Gorgonzola when it’s Brie time, baby.


Civil war 2. Its kicking off

7 chipmunks twirlin’ on a branch, eatin’ lots of sunflowers on my uncle’s ranch


Step into my office


'Cause your fucking fired

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Ah lovely :clap:

BTW did you see this from our old comrade

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Top bantz from BOD

Oh come on man.

Lindley Graham is supporting him hard.

If you were watching Sean Hannity last night you’d honestly say that the country was on the verge of a civil war, it was terrifying. I went to bed last night thinking that Sean Hannity should be assassinated.

I think the likes of Hannity could easily work themselves into a position where after the court finds for Biden they still can’t credibly support the peaceful transition of power.

Is that a “oh come on man” as in “come to.your senses” or an “oh come on man” as in you see a new ray of hope for the Don with this masterstroke?