US Presidential Election 2020

They could learn a lot from the gracious manner Limerick accepted being denied the 65 against Kilkenny last year.



Trump needed Jimmy Cooney to blow it up early on Tuesday night so we can go again

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Georgia has finally flipped to Biden leads by just less than 1000

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Go on Clayton County! Just found a load of votes for Joe down the side the sofa.

Georgia is blue. Note to self - possible song title.

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Anyone who believes joe biden is responsible for a sophisticated election fraud is a fool

It as hilarious as people thinking that every healthcare system in the world has suddenly come together to run a fake pandemic successfully while different departments of one hospital struggle to communicate with each other.

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That’s just what I was thinking!

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Was just about to post similar.

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Only in America would you hear an ad during a pandemic saying that a mask is not a political statement.

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Was only coming it to say the same

Those ballots must have been on the midnight train to Georgia


That’s that settled so.