US Presidential Election 2020

That or he should resign his @POTUS username

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@Tierneevin1979 this is my first time ever watching CNN for an extended period of time. Itā€™s better than Fox. Itā€™s been getting very repetitive but thatā€™s because the count went on forever.

The black girl is smart enough, John King is class, the man. The blonde woman is a lightweight. Anderson Cooper is ok, tolerable.

The big problem on CNN that Iā€™ve seen is the anchor Jake Tapper. Heā€™s a complete bollocks and I can see why youā€™d hate him. Sanctimonious prick. He was talking about why people didnā€™t turn out to vote for Hillary, he just said it was misogyny. Misogyny is undoubtedly part of the reason but another reason might be that sheā€™s a corrupt cunt and a facilitator for a sex offender. You can also imagine Tapper being a bit of a perv.

However, I donā€™t see how you could possibly say that Fox is more balanced than CNN. Anyone who believes what Sean Hannity said last night should be out assassinating Joe Biden. End of. Put up or shut up. I donā€™t see how CNN could offer ā€œbalanceā€ on Trumpā€™s speech last night without just lying to their viewers. Fox News has been absolutely pathetic for the past 24 hours. I havenā€™t seen any ā€œbalanceā€ on the election corruption claims from it. This morning when Biden took the lead in Georgia and PA it just ran a few interviews about how great Trump had been for blacks. Itā€™s on another planet.

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The peaceful transition of power is what the USA is built on

@obese_turtle for new username?

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The highest number of votes for any Presidential candidate in history, if you exclude the ā€˜questionableā€™ votes that Bidenā€™s people are claiming.


Misogynist Trump held his core toxic masculinity vote. The lovely ladies of the USA deserted Trump in their droves

Heā€™s still @POTUS till Jan 21st 2021, at least respect the handle even if you donā€™t agree with the poster.

Fair enough.


What happens if sleepy Joe doesnā€™t wake up before his inauguration?

George III might beg to differ :grinning:

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He still got more votes from white women than Biden. White women voted for Trump in 2020 by a greater margin than in 2016.

ā€œTheyā€™ll never make me president but Iā€™ve got the best first ladiesā€

Trump reduced to counting on Karen I see

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Trump has a way with the ladies

Is that correct? I thought his female vote had increased while his WASP vote droppedā€¦according to ian paisley jr.

Democracy is a thing of beauty

It always wins, eventually