US Presidential Election 2020

A veritable Mount Rushmore of failure

I hope the world ends now.


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Was O’Regan a Prod?

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Everything has changed. If we all go along with this fraud we are living in a deluded reality. Reality has gone. Decadance like you’ve never seen before will be the norm now.

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Dry your eyes mate



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You should complain to your local TD pal.

If this goes through we’re truly fucked.

Presbyterian Irish, good stock.

The first Irish republicans.


What’s the name of the sexy blonde in the middle?
One for the women I wouldn’t get along with but I’d ride anyway thread.

The whole world will regret this.

O’Bama was a prod too.

Those grapes are producing a terrific whine.

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This cheating was flagged yet allowed to go on. Observers not being allowed to observe, being locked out of the counting rooms. There’s going to be war.