US Presidential Election 2020

Another Corbyn then. Pointless Leader/Candidate.

Could Bloomberg be the middle ground guy who could actually beat a Trump?

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Four more yearsā€¦???

No. Heā€™s a communist. Too old anyway.

Conversely heā€™s a 78 year old white male who had a heart attack 3 months ago.

I would have thought any single one of his age, health, race or gender would make it tougher on him in the age of wokeness. The fact that heā€™s the front runner with all that going against him shows how unbelievably weak the field is.

Heā€™d be 83 finishing his first term! :smile:

Bernie would likely have won in 2016. He was far more popular than Hillary and would have brought out the young vote, a lot of whom stayed at home in protest at the perception Bernie had been shafted by the DNC. The DNC definitely favored Hillary and she was the chosen one, but she would have won the nomination anyway in a contested convention as she had the support of the super delegates.

Warren appears to be the chosen one this time as the reality is setting in that Biden has lost his marbles. It will likely go to a contested convention, and although the super delegates canā€™t vote in the first round, if there is no clear winner they can vote in the second round.

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If thereā€™s no majority, whoever wins a plurality of the elected delegates in the primaries will be the candidate

End of

In a brokered convention where no one reaches a majority in the first vote, the winner will be decided by a second vote, third, fourth or however long it takes. Super delegates vote from the second round on, so could well decide the winner.

The point is, whoever has the plurality will win because democracy will demand it

There would be immense pressure on other candidates to stand down

For the Democratic party not to give the nomination to whoever gets the plurality would be totally suicidal

Even for the Democratic party, I expect they arenā€™t so stupid as to do that

Here we go again, the anticipated Democratic implosion is upon us.

Noted liar Elizabeth Warren (ā€œIā€™m a Native Americanā€, no youā€™re not. ā€œI was fired because I was pregnantā€, no you werenā€™t) has come out and accused Bernie Sanders of telling her she couldnā€™t win because she was a woman, in a private conversation they supposedly had a year ago.

It came up at the Democratic debate tonight, where Bernie flatly denied saying it, basically calling her a liar. Didnā€™t stop the scumbag moderator CNN following up with Warren asking how she felt when he said that. The background here is Bernie has taken the lead over Warren in polls, both in the early primaries and nationwide. This will backfire badly on her I feel, especially as Bernie encouraged Warren to run in 2016 (she didnā€™t run) and encouraged Tulsi Gabbard to run this year.


Tense moment after the debate where Warren refuses to shake Bernieā€™e hand.

This is not going down well with Bernie supporters.

Whatā€™s the latest @sidney?

The Democrats are some rabble. Are geriatric has been a like Sanders, Biden and Warren really the best they can up with?

The democrats making the exact same mistake as four years ago. Ignoring results to railroad bernie. Crazy move by Warren if bernie dropped out she was guaranteed most of his support but not now she isnā€™t. He muat have her rattled. All biden has to do is stop the gaffes and say nothin and heā€™ll eventually be seen as the default safe option.

You might be waiting a few weeks mate.

Bernie would be the right man for the job, but heā€™s surely too old at this stage? He missed his window in 2016 I fear.

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Hes one year older than biden and a lot more alert

Well Biden would be a fucking disaster. Trump would run rings around him.

wouldnt be surprised if he threw in a few low beaus

Itā€™s quite hilarious that the narrative for the past four years is white people and specifically old white men are the problem in US society. All six on the stage last night are white, and the two in the lead are old white men.

Warren is the DNC chosen one this time. CNN were gushing about her after the debate, how she clearly won and how her attack on Bernie was genius. As always completely out of touch with reality. Whatever about his policies Bernie is an honest and thoroughly alright sort, sad to see Warren stoop to this cuntish level.