US Presidential Election 2020

What’s Bloomberg’s story? Who better to beat a rich white man, than a richer white man

Is mayor Pete not a gay? Surely not a single swing state would vote for a gay.

Bloomberg entering the race has posed a big problem for the DNC. It’s already a crowded field and while he won’t win the nomination, Bloomberg has the money to last through the primaries. At this stage it looks very likely that nobody will win an overall majority, so a brokered convention. This is even more likely in 2020 as the DNC have done away with superdelegates voting in the first round. If there is no winner after round 1 then the superdelegates get to choose the winner, which could cause major upheaval in the party.

There’s a bit of a narrative among some Democrats that anyone could beat Trump, which is a bit silly given how hard it is to beat an incumbent in a good economy.

Yes hes gay. Obama was black.Most people dont give a fuck once you’re articulate enough.I see a lot of similarities between Obama and Pete.I wouldn’t be surprised if he won.His only problem will be the purity test from the likes of @Sidney.

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A left wing candidate like Bernie or Warren won’t beat Trump in a good economy. It’s very hard to run on a doom and gloom platform claiming things are shit, when unemployment is at less than 4%, wages are rising, small businesses are thriving, etc. People are nervous that the ambitious platform touted by Bernie and Warren will fuck up the economy, so realistically a centrist candidate like Biden or Pete has the best shot.

A centerist might be the way forward but Biden would suit trump down to the ground. Too much baggage.

Biden is leading Trump in all the polls, and more importantly leading in the swing states. He would be seen as a safe pair of hands, a continuation of Obama basically. The problem for Biden is Warren and Sanders combined numbers are ahead of him, and will likely win plenty delegates in the primaries, which will mostly transfer from one to the other rather than Biden when one of them drops out. Unless all the superdelegates back Biden, it’s most likely one of Sanders or Warren will win at the convention.

The polls . After the last election I never want to hear about the polls again .

Bernie is having a bit of a moment

You can still get 11/4 on him being the nominee

Bernie, Bernie, Bernie

Bernie had his chance 4 years ago but Hillary and Donna Brasile fucked him over unfortunately.

They really didn’t fuck him over and his chance is far from gone

He’s raising more money than the other candidates and that’s a big deal

Iowa is crucial

If he or Warren were to sweep Iowa and New Hampshire, the other would probably be effectively knocked out and the winner of those states would gain huge momentum

Biden will rebound in the South

He needs Sanders and Warren to both stay in and nip through the middle

Hed have been a far more viable candidate 4 years ago,and yes the DNC/Hillary did fuck him over last time.Hillary fucked every Democrat over last time by not letting Biden run,ffs he’d have bate Trump with his eyes closed.Hillary (its my turn agin Clinton).

Bernie lost fair and square last time

In every election in history party committees have had a favoured candidate, that isn’t “fucking over”, it’s what happens at every single election in history

He lost by over 3 million in the popular vote

Biden would have run if he believed he could have won

It’s nobody’s fault but their own if they don’t run

Because Clinton didn’t win, it makes Bernie a much more viable candidate this time, he has the profile, he has the policy momentum and he has the funding needed to run a big campaign, the ground is more favourable to him

What he also has this time that he didn’t have last time is Warren, who is competing for a lot of the same ground

That’s why one really needs to knock the other out

A sweep for one or the other in Iowa and New Hampshire would provide huge momentum for one of them to get them to emerge as the champion candidate of the left

If Sanders wins Iowa he’ll win New Hampshire

Biden wasnt allowed run. Obama promised Hillary secretary of state and a clear run at the nomination if she dropped out in 08.Which most Dems duly abided handing the President to Trump.

Politics doesn’t work like that though

If Biden wanted to run, nobody could have stopped him running

You grab your chance and you go for it

Biden should have know better alright,but everyone thought Hillary was a shoe in.Im afraid Bernie or Warren or Joe wont bate Trump thats all.The American economy is doing well and any President in charge of a good economy is hard removed as most people vote with their pockets

Is Sanders electable?

To most of the world yes.To most yanks No.