US Presidential Election 2020

What a speech, Unity over division, Kamalas turn tomorrow please God

I suppose
Old Man Trump knows
Just how much
Racial Hate
He stirred up
In the bloodpot of human hearts
When he drawed
That color line
Here at his Beach Haven family project

Woody Guthrie wrote a song about Trump’s father, Fred Trump, called ‘Old Man Trump’.

13 December is aihf day. Just having a bit of craic is all boss

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It looked like trump had it but, when sleepy joe needed them, big tech, “computer glitches” and the recently deceased all came out to get him over the line. Well done Joe Biden, the 46th (and last) president of the USA

Will Trump slur the military vote?

We’re up to about 43 times now you’ve said that…pace yourself, you’ve got four more years.

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Joe like a lot of his voters came back from the dead

Very quiet here overnight

The most powerful country in the world and we 4 days waiting for them to do a bit of counting. If they had PR the country would grind to a halt for three months.


Just want to be seen to be pointing out the injustice. There’ll be egg on a lot of lads’ faces after this

I’m looking forward to all the great poetry music and film made in response to the injustice of trumps defeat by all the talented right wing artists. The right wing comedians and comedy shows will have great material too in the next four years with Biden.

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tenor (16)

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President Joe O Biden is a true Irish patriot. Up the ra

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What’s that from?

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You love to see it.

I want my mammy whaa

Biden has a lifelong hate for anti democratic opprsive regimes like Ulster unionism and SA, check this out


Wolf calls it

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