US Presidential Election 2020

NBC has calle Pennsylvania, repeat NBC has called Pennsylvania. Sleep Joe is going to The White House :clap:

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BBC have just called it for Sleep Joe, repeat BBC has called it for Joe

Fox not comfortable calling it yet

GBFM have called it for Sleepy Joe, repeat GBFM have called it for Sleepy Joe


Van Jones letting it all out on CNN


Van Jones :clap::clap:

Ollie Turner’s postmortem on Trump tomorrow night won’t be for the weak of heart.

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@Copper_pipe :dollar: :heavy_dollar_sign: :dollar:

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Fox calls it


A victory for common human decency :clap: :clap:

Now! Lock that Orange fucker up!

Lock him up! Lock him up!


It’ll be the last time I’ll back something at 1/2 for it to then drift out to 3/1 and go on and win :see_no_evil:


You should do a bit on the NBA, happens all the time :smile:

Trump is out playing golf :smile:

You should back the Atlanta Falcons in running in the fourth quarter of games


Sir Keir next

Keir Starmer

14m, 5 tweets, 2 min read

My Authors

Congratulations to @JoeBiden on his election as President of the United States of America.

He ran a campaign on the values that we in the United Kingdom share - decency, integrity, compassion and strength.

And I want to congratulate @KamalaHarris on being elected Vice-President, the first woman of colour to take that role.

Their victory is one for hope and unity over dishonesty and division. Millions of Americans of all backgrounds and ages have come together to vote for a better, more optimistic future.

This is also an important moment for the world.

It is a chance to reassert America’s place as a force for good on the world stage. A nation that will work with Britain and other allies to defeat this pandemic and fight climate change.

Joe Biden and the Democrats have always shared Labour’s values and the links between our two parties remain strong.

I am looking forward to building on this and forging an even stronger relationship between the UK and the USA.