US Presidential Election 2020

Dry your eyes ball bag,your man took a heā€™ll of a beating.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: ye could be waiting years to get paid out on a 1-2 shot. Absolute mugs. :joy:

Good point actually. Have they called them super spreader events yet?

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There is jubilation in the streets :clap: :clap:

I wonder what percentage of the vote a person like Trump would get in Ireland in a presidential race. I know we had Peter Casey get 23% of the vote in last presidential election and finished 2nd but that was in a 5 horse race. Be interesting to see what someone would get with just 2 candidates up against a left leaning one like Michael D Higgins.

Who says Mayo canā€™t win the big one!!! There wonā€™t be a cow milked in Ballina tonight!!

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Kay Burley just sticking a microphone in the face of random street goers here on Sky.

Thatā€™s just not true. The anchor, whose name I donā€™t know, did exactly that.

Trump would get a big chuck of the vote over here . . . we love making fun of ALL Americans because 50% of them voted for Trump, but in a two horse race there would be plenty in Ireland who would vote for a candidate like Trump in an Irish election against a left-leaning candidate. Not 50%, but a sizeable minority vote (Peter Casey getting 23% in a 5 candidate race suggests Trump would get at least that if not more)

Heā€™d win a lot of votes on the corporate tax issue and abortion also but itā€™s a completely different culture and country so you canā€™t really make direct comparisons.

Iā€™d guess heā€™d poll around 20 or 25% against Biden.

Mayos time to shine

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I donā€™t really have any man at all in this. I liked to see trump win to see the likes of Matt cooper and Ryan Tubridy seething but it doesnā€™t really effect me either way.

Itā€™s just incredibly annoying. When it looked like trump was going to win it Tuesday night cnn were peddling the agenda he was only winning because democrats didnā€™t go door to door because of corona virus. Now they are keeping their mouths closed as 1000s of people Gather on streets.


Dry your eyes mate

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Lols thatā€™ll never ever happen.

Looks like his golfing buddy was just in the wrong place at the wrong time

Tank . . Iā€™m not trying to make a direct comparisons, and yes we have a much different culture here in Ireland . . . I guess I was just making the point that many in Ireland will make silly comments that ALL Americans are stupid because Trump is their President (even though 70 plus million voted against him), while conveniently ignoring that a good chuck of people in Ireland would vote for him too (as Peter Caseyā€™s 23% against 4 other candidates suggest).

Good to see the Oughterard Crew out & about considering the bating theyā€™ve taken this week.

  1. Can we cut the leprechaun act and claiming him as our own? We get our knickers in a twist when the brits claim our famous people.

Biden thankfully won but we the irish need to grow up. The irish Americans are very different to us here but we patronise ourselves for the smell of a dollar