US Presidential Election 2020

the ball sack?

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I think a 50% return will be a decent return for people if it pays out in the next 25 years or so.

Some lads have a hard time following basic accounting. cc @Appendage

O Biden not even in office and he’s already injected the life back into NYC :clap: :clap:

The Trump supporters trying to criticise impulse celebrations on the streets of America, and the cunts turning up to rallies for the superspreader himself only a few days ago :smile:

You couldn’t make it up

Plus most of them are wearing masks

In fairness it’s not wrong to point out the apparent hypocrisy.

Though also in fairness, the significant difference is the celebrating Dems are wearing masks almost to a man/woman. Lots of the other crowd made a point of not wearing masks, the dumb cunts.

Masks are only a cod. It they were effective we wouldnt be in a second lockdown here.

But shur, carry on anyway.

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Presumably Joe will step down in 2-3 years to give her a clear run in 2024.

Don’t mind times Square they’re on the streets in mayo

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How you doin bro?

After record breaker Joe has his senate majority in January and gets all his important stuff done in record speed I can see him taking an early retirement alright

Scenes on US streets reminiscent of the end of WW2.


He’ll have done some service, no more of it

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The poor hoors in Georgia and Arizona. No one gives a bollix about them now.

They will be back red in four years time.

Dry your eyes mate.

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