US Presidential Election 2020

When Trump claims the extra time victory here, a lot of lads are going to feel very silly

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You can fawn over Biden all you like. Itā€™s not as if heā€™s not widely known to be an open sexual predator.

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Just one more YMCA dancing video would have done it for him

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He just couldnā€™t get the dead lads out to vote in time.

Joe is a proud Catholic.

Heā€™ll know for next time

Are you on about Trump?

At least Melania and Ivanka are free of him now

So weā€™ve got it twice and the dagos never got a sniff. Huzzah!

I suppose the 18 cases he has agin him can go ahead now in 2021

Joe with some absolute roasters having pints on the Cooley Peninsula a few years ago


Thereā€™s no way rebel songs werenā€™t sung that night

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Tis all that would be sung round there (and some country nā€™ western)

Iā€™d say Joe would tell some great auld yarns.

A great day for Irish Americans. Sixty years after JFK became the first Irish Catholic president we have elected his successor. Letā€™s hope he can fulfill JFKā€™s legacy and be a unifying figure we can all be proud of.


Paddy P has paid out anyway.

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FAO @ironmoth @grapes and the other Trump bots.


I would assume they arenā€™t paying out a great deal . More the pity , the cunts

This is one of the greatest days in Americas history :clap: :clap:

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