US Presidential Election 2020

In fairness to Donald, he did make America great again in the end.

Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and Teddy B/Franklin D are looking down with pride on their native land tonight

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Covid has served its purpose and gotten rid of Donald Trump. Now we don’t need it anymore.

Probably north of 80 million votes for the next president🇺🇸

Uncle Joe will cure Covid. I expect a vaccine as soon as he takes office


I’ll endorse him if that happens

That’s just the permanent condition :grin:

If Joe gives you a vaccine you better sure as shit take it

President O Biden has a lot of stong connection in the pharmaceutical indusrty

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Joe’s acceptance speech will be a historical moment he had suffered so much personal tragedy in his life with 2 children and a wife being taken from him but he has endured and is an example of a dignified human being. He took up the baton of running for president in the winter of his life and won. A heroic effort when he could have comfortably retired after his 8 years as VP. God Bless the 46th President and the :us:.


15 minutes

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Here’s Kamala

Speech? The guy can barley talk ffs.

Can you?

One looney to another. Jesus christ this is the USA and the lad can’t make a speech without mumbling 4 or 5 times. It’s actually a little bit funny

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Leo would tip any Mickey over

The president elect has had a speech impediment since he was a child that’s an outrageous comment


Biden has had a stutter since he was a child. If anything the fact that he has overcame that is something to be celebrated not something to be mocked