US Presidential Election 2020

An historic moment where hope and history rhymes

John Lewis :clap:

What a night it must be for the residents of the Bay Area to have one of their own speak to the world like this

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Beautiful words here from the VP elect

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You choose Decency, Science and Truth, You choose Joe O Biden :clap: :clap: :us: :ireland:

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Lovely word for Jill there, what a lady.


This is absolutely stunning

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OOOOOooooooooooooh Kamala! I would.

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What a woman

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This is incredible

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A serious politician @Tierneevin1979

Your wives, dauughters, mothers, girlfriends, and any other lady friends and Women all over the world will feel empowered and boldened after this, especially minority women :clap: :clap:

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How the fuck did 70 million people go and vote to keep Trump and Pence?

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This is more emotional than Obama in Grant Park in 2008

That wasnt just great that was groundbreaking.
Here come the President!!!



The Bossssssssssssssss

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He’s running out dementia me bollix

This is epic, I’ve never seen anything like it

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‘The People of this country have spoken’

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