US Presidential Election 2020

Division over Unity

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Of the people by the people for the people

Very proud of our girl.


The task of our time :clap:

Not that reade lassie though. So much for #ibieveher


‘I’m Jills husband’
What a man

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Reminds me of this beauty of a quote

education is the silver bullet. Education is everything. We don’t need little changes, we need gigantic, monumental changes. Schools should be palaces. The competition for the best teachers should be fierce. They should be making six-figure salaries. Schools should be incredibly expensive for government and absolutely free of charge to its citizens, just like national defense. That’s my position. I just haven’t figured out how to do it yet.

A real president for our time what a speech

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This is the greatest political speech since Obama

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Joe seems 20 years younger

What an inspirational vicory for the elderly in these troubled times :clap: :clap:

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A time to heal

My president :heart_eyes:

This is a beautiful moment I feel privileged to witness this

78 my bollocks

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This is outstanding. 77 years old, Ring your parents now and tell them they’re only getting warmed up

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He turns 78 next week brah

Joe giving Barack a run for his money with this one in fairness.
Oratory, we missed you.

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That’s a president talking

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What a great day for humanity :clap: :clap:

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