US Presidential Election 2020

Heā€™d weep at what the GOP has become.

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Ah youā€™d live your entire life as a photographer and never be fit to create a shot like that. Iā€™d rather be lucky and all that.

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a colossus of a politician, they way he plamased Thatcher :clap: :clap:

Ronnie, Maggie and Pope John Paul saved the world from Communism


Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden has chosen senator Kamala Harris as his vice presidential nominee


@Tierneevin1979 I was wondering what are the realistic chances of Trump trying to fix the election. Obviously the republicans have been trying mini fixes forever, thats what the Civil Rights Act was about. But what are the chances of Trump genuinely appointing supporters to enough key roles in the election process that he could say that the election is void because of the postal votes ā€œissueā€. Any how many key people would he need onside to do something like that?

Also I was wondering how you yourself would react if the election comes back something outrageous for Trump - would you consider the possibility if a fix.

Also I was wondering what will happen if Trump loses but announces that he does not accept the result (seeing as thatā€™s the most likely scenario)

Overall I find it hard to see a change over without mass rioting.

I have no doubt Trump would try and rig the election if he could, but the way the system works makes it literally impossible. Elections are run at the local level, so every county in every state has itā€™s own set of Republicans and Democrats overseeing it, so it would need a conspiracy of both parties to have any significant impact.

Both sides accuse the other of voter fraud, but thereā€™s no evidence it is significant. Voter fraud is fairly rare and then are stiff penalties, why would many bother really? If mail in voting is implemented in states that have never had it, there will no doubt be lots of noise around that and possible court battles. There is a big battle going on in New York currently and thatā€™s a Democratic primary so fighting within one party. mail in voting has the potential to be problematic if this were a close election, with a possible drawn out process.

I donā€™t expect this to be a close election, unless there is a seismic event like Biden being seen as mentally unsound in the debates. You could of course say that Trump is mentally unsound so it evens out, but Trump is actually a forceful debater and Biden needs to stand up to him. Could Biden lose the plot and go medieval during a debate? Itā€™s possible but unlikely.

The polling suggests a landslide win for Biden and thatā€™s what I expect. It is literally impossible for Trump to win this time, given the current climate. As always the swing states will decide it and specifically independent voters and turnout. Independents will swing to Biden and a reasonable number of Republicans would at this point find Biden more palatable than Trump.

I donā€™t see any scenario where Trump can contest a clear win for Biden, but if it were close like 2000 he would undoubtedly not be as accepting of the outcome as Gore.

We have mass rioting already, but itā€™s largely people who either would vote Democrat or not vote. Would Trumpā€™s base riot if he loses? Most of them are old fat white people , it would be funny to watch at least.


The scenario I see most likely is Trump loses but says publicly ā€œI dont accept this resultā€ and I was wondering what the process is for removing him then.

Without knowing anything about the American legalities Iā€™d imagine what happens would be that everyone just starts ignoring Trump, the inauguration of Biden takes place without Trumpā€™s consent and everyone just starts taking orders from Joe instead of the Don, with Trump still going around telling everyone ā€œIā€™m the real President you knowā€ and most people ignoring him but a significant number of weirdos taking him seriously.

Trump leaving the White House could be dramatic though. I think eventually theyā€™ll tell him that the police are going to turf him out and then heā€™ll just leave. Weā€™ll see.

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The only way it becomes a potential mess is if the result is close in states like Michigan, Pennsylvania and Minnesota and there are long delays with the mail in ballots (they wonā€™t start counting until election day). The longer it drags on the more Trump will claim the mail in voting system is fraudulent. I honestly donā€™t see it happening as I donā€™t think it will be close, but the possibility is there and it could be absolute mayhem if it happens.

You have trump derangement syndrome you clown, donā€™t believe every word on cnn.

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Great to see the #NeverTrumps coming back to their senses here

Youā€™d miss Riki around the place all the same

We may have gone back to April 1st with a second lockdown

Trump already questioning Harrisā€™ eligibility to run and failed to refute allegations, proven to be false, that she is not entitled to run as she may have been born to illegal immigrants.

I canā€™t believe Trump hasnā€™t contracted covid-19 yet, given it is running rampant over there, he has refused in almost every instance to wear a mask at events, he did something the other night where he met with about 10 supporters from different walks of life who discussed how great a leader he is and he was within breathing distance to the nearest of them, various members of staff have got it, and again recently he was at an event where people were coming up to him mask-less to sign autographs for them. I think we are going to see a twist yet before November. Heā€™s on his way to Wisconsin now tonight because itā€™ll be a ratings winner, despite leaders there pleading for him to stay away. If he mingles goodo again with randomers itā€™s surely only a matter of time before he gets it. I know he will have every resource thrown at him to beat it but ultimately mother nature would be against him.

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A slew of state polls out today and things are looking dire for the Don, in states he won the last time Sleepy Joe is up 10 in Arizona, 2 in Florida, 3 in Georgia, 10 in Michigan, 2 in North Carolina, 4 in Pennsylvania and 9 in Wisconsin. He is only 1 behind in Texas. All Biden needs is Wisconsin or Arizona, Michigan and Pennsylvania to win as itā€™s safe to say none of the Hilary states will flip.