US Presidential Election 2020

Heā€™s actually the greatest indicator that there is some natural immunity to the virus!

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The previous highest monthly total was $193 million raised by Obama in September 2008.

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Should be donated to medical science immediately

Don will come out swinging in the debates, even more than expected if poll numbers are that poor

Sleepy Joe is money

Imagine trying to be POTUS and afraid to attend a public debate. He doesnā€™t know heā€™s born.

Itā€™s the highest office in the country, and possibly the world, and this lad thinks he can assume it by hiding in a bunker and saying nothing.

Itā€™ll satisfy simpletons like @Lazarus whoā€™ll buy any old guff from the DNC but itā€™s an admission of defeat.

Itā€™s a complete two fingers to the voters of America. Joe Biden considers them votes in the bag and doesnā€™t have to do a thing for them. Sure, youā€™re not even black if your consider voting for someone else.

Imo itā€™s a smart move by Biden. In fact Iā€™d say if he stayed in bed till November heā€™d win it. Trump can self implode at any point but if Biden is debating him it gives trump an easy target.

Trump will be announcing a vaccine around October 30th whether they have it or not. Weā€™ll see what that does to the polls.

Neglible a huge proportion will already have voted by mail

They will nearly all be shredded.

More worrying news for Democrats. In the latest Atlas Intel poll, Trump is at 28% among African Americans and 41% among Hispanics. In 2016, HRC got 89% of the AA vote (Biden is now polling 66%), and 66% of the Hispanic vote (Biden is now polling 56%). Trump has increased from 8% to 28% among African Americans, the highest ever seen by a Republican, an absolutely staggering development.

Whatā€™s going on @Lazarus? Why are black voters starting to swing towards Trump? Maybe black people didnā€™t like being told by an old white guy that they ainā€™t black if they make up their own minds on who to vote for.

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I see the don is now experimenting with calling his opponent Joe Hiden. I like it.


Thatā€™s a good one in fairness

a war on soup

Nothing to see here, some lads will always have an inferiority complex. Look at the lads who think Phil Hogan is some sort of tragic figure just because he has a brass neck, similar scenario here with Trump, some people just love to bend the knee.

What about white people?