US Presidential Election 2020

Fierce grey

We Iive in a simulation

He looks shook

Heā€™s like a manager after losing an All Ireland. Thereā€™s no shot at redemption. It shakes the best lads.

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Ones core belief is not recoverable once gone

ok Matt Doherty

Heā€™s finished as a man

Whats your beef with Matt Doherty?

A tacit acknowledgement by team Trump tonight that they were a failure

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He lacks moral fibre. Quite like Trump

Three out for the count today, Trump, Dominic Cummings and the Yorkshire ripper


Three cunts gone


Another masterclass from Don. The usual simpletons here wound right up as usual.

Pray for their families

Bill hits the nail on the head here.


That woke identity politics is a ruse for simpletons. The real decision makers are making billions while the meeja focus on kiddy trans issues and other innovative shock cods.
People are pure mugs, the world has supposedly been gripped by a pandemic for the best part of a year. Trump pulls a vaccine out of his ass free of charge, announces it to world and all lads have to talk about is the colour of his hair. The ā€˜newsā€™ ran with the line that he stormed off and wouldnā€™t answer questions.
You literally couldnā€™t make it up.
This is well worth a listen


Trump pulled the vaccine out of his ass seems to indicate trump is responsible for it or at least had a huge part to play in it. It would seem to me that itā€™s nothing whatsoever to do with him bar what literally anyone else as president during a pandemic would do.
Honestly be interested why you think that?


That was just banter. He didnā€™t really pull it out of his ass. K?


For the record I have zero interest in trans issues or even us politics at all really and just think trump is a monumental cunt

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Thatā€™s one of the main reasons Trump is so popular. The Democrats will distract themselves with non essential policyā€™s. Trump did a lot good but the concentration on the overall carry on and his personality was the focus. Orange man is bad etc. Bindin will be now different to Obama or Clinton lining the pockets of Wall Street with a virtue signalling to the woke crew

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