US Presidential Election 2020

Project X

This guy nailed it

Donnie ainā€™t happy with Pfizer

5 times faster

Operation warped

New York State getting it in the neck :laughing:

Serious Downfall look and feel to this

This is fucking hilarious

All it will take is for someone to mention ā€˜electionā€™ and heā€™ll blow

A glorious victory lap for President Trump.

President Trump and Operation Warp Speed has saved the world.

Deluded Don has greyed 50 years in a week

You lost you mad cunt :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:. This is like the lads on off the ball talking about irelands passing percentages

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There it is

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President Trump highlighting his economic miracle and the radical left go crazy :grin:

Deluded Don the only one not wearing a mask

Heā€™s seriously grey or is it the light. Has he ever let it go like that before?

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he is 75, heā€™s not a natural blonde !

Thats the real Don, he canā€™t be arsed going through three hours of makeup before facing the public anymore, wouldnā€™t blame him

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Trump sounded a shadow of his former self tonight, the mojo is lost

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President Trump has saved humanity. A remarkable legacy.