US Presidential Election 2020

Georgia - thousands of uncounted ballots being found

The Democrats didnā€™t need to truck them in?

Seems legit

Rudy is currently melting at a press conference. Remarkable stuff :laughing:
Like, this is happening right now :laughing:


Full press conference here. Plenty of evidence of the election fraud. Democrats are worried.

I think everyone is worried about that liquid goo dripping out Rudiā€™s temple

Just watched that :joy: running down both sides of his face. Must be the dye running out of his hair :joy:

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I thought at this stage Oā€™Biden would have a Mayo face mask

The poor auld yanks canā€™t catch a break. From the frying pan into the fire.

To lose one count Mr Trump may be regarded as misfortune, to lose both quite frankly looks like carelessness

Sleepy Joeā€™s birthday day. :seven: :eight:

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Happy Birthday to President Elect Oā€™Biden

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I hope kamala allows him a slice of cake

Mayo, May aaaaooooo, the White House is coming home to Mayoooo

The republican party really is shit scared of Trump. His new tactic of pressuring states to set up a block of faithless electors is beyond any belief in s shred of democracy.

Are they just afraid to shout stop? Or do they actually believe him?

Driving deeper divisions in the country wonā€™t make it great again

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These lads arent ready to vacate the stage yet either, nicely done :rofl:


Donald is like Cavan footballers, refusing to accept defeat in the face of huge deficits.
Mayor Giuliani is no GearĆ³id McKiernan however.

Remember when Guiliani was an American hero with cross party support. Good times

Some amount of capital heā€™s after burning through. Its impressive.