US Presidential Election 2020

Heā€™s a proper nutcase now though.

What actually happened?

America is a fucking mental place.


I watched a 2hr film by Michael Moore last night called Farenheit 11/9 or something close to that. It concerns the march of DJT and would cement your opinion that they are all cast-iron headcases.

Obama came away looking very bad out of that documentary


He would have probably won the 2004 presidential race had there not been an incumbent Republican president at the time, such was his standing.

Outrageous stuff from the democrats :grinning:

How needy

Counting votes the day after the election OMFG.Somebody call the FBI :grinning:

@Tierneevin1979 would there be much support among normal non diehard trump supporters for this approach heā€™s taking? Are there many republican congressmen and senators coming out against him?

Privately, every single senator and congressman thinks heā€™s mad. Publicly most of them are either mildly or strongly supportive because theyā€™re scared of him and need his supporters. An increasing number have publicly broken from him - Mitt Romney very strongly and Mitch McConnell in a much more tempered way.

not very private if you know about it, is it?

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They need him, or more importantly his ā€œbaseā€, on board for the two Georgia Senate run offs.
If the ā€œbaseā€ feel like the Rep establishment has deserted him then they wonā€™t bother to show up to vote. The Democrats are very energized right now in GA, so it could be tight, even though normally it wouldnā€™t be.
The amount of abuse that the two Rep senators that have publicly critised him, Romney and Sasse, are getting from his base right now shows you the power of that backlash.

50% of Republicans think Trump rightfully won the election and 70% believe there was election fraud. The ā€œnormalā€ Republican supporters are afraid of Trumpā€™s base, as are a lot of Republican politicians. Whatever one thinks about Trump, he brought out a big turnout which benefitted a lot of Republicans who would likely have lost their seats otherwise.

you must be very high up in the GOP to know this.

So about 75pc of people believe Biden won it fair and square but some of them think there was fraud that didnā€™t influence the result? Mad stuff. Do the 70pc of republicans who think there was attempt by the Democrats to cheat think that republicans were playing fair despite this?
Thatā€™s nadia comaneci levels of mental gymnastics. They must think their own politicians are awful harmless divils.

Brian Kemp can stop the certification of the Georgia results.

If he doesnā€™t he likely wonā€™t win another Republican primary.

Back during the Iraq War 20% of Republican voters thought that 9/11 was an inside job.

Surely they have to take this defeat on the chin and either tighten up on the rules or get that little bit cuter about the off the ball stuff themselves.

Twas only a bit of gamesmanship

[quote=ā€œArthur, post:4609, topic:23372, full:trueā€]
So about 75pc of people believe Biden won it fair and square but some of them think there was fraud that didnā€™t influence the result? [/quote]

Thatā€™s not what the polling says. In the Reuters poll, 73% overall said Biden won the election and only 5% said Trump won. When asked specifically about who ā€œrightfullyā€ won, 50% of Republicans said that Trump rightfully won, and 70% said they thought the election was rigged. Which is a good predictor of how this will end up, Biden will be the president and at least half of Republican voters will believe the election was stolen.

I suppose a similar percentage of dems thought Russia helped trump win it last time so not much has changed really.
Do the republicans who think the dems cheated genuinely believe the reps conducted themselves fairly do you think? That would seem totally mad to me. Then again the whole thing is fucking crazy :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: