US Presidential Election 2020

This is very low energy stuff. Are you sure you want the great awakening to happen?

Where are all these bombshells you were hinting at since the election?Is Lou Dobbs sitting on them?

The Deep State supressed them

Oh right

Betfair have lost a step in the race for the american gambling market by beginning to pay out on Biden. The maga seethe is funny - twitter search ā€˜betfair electionā€™ for examples.

Iā€™d nearly keep Trump if we could get rid of that gimp.

Vlad sent his congratulations to Joe - Mitch followed cue not long after.
This election is now officially red rover.

The Electoral College has spoken :clap: :clap:

Red Rover

You can fuck off now Donald.

@POTUS please ensure a smooth transition of your login details to TFKā€™s Joe Oā€™Biden Campaign Manager, @Lazarus, who will use the @POTUS handle from the 20th January 2021



The people have spoken


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If Betfair settled a day sooner Iā€™d have put the proceeds on Waterford for an emotional hedge.

This guy is coming for nobody. Iā€™d say heā€™s never left his motherā€™s basement

ā€œAnteeferā€ :joy:

Iā€™d love to see Paddy power retweet this.

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The first KFC or McDonaldā€™s heā€™ll pass will distract him.


Patriot gamblers :rofl:

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