US Presidential Election 2020

Agreed, itā€™s completely mad, but thereā€™s nowt so queer as folk.

They donā€™t want to break with him and affect their own election chances, even though they know heā€™s a fuckin psycho. It just goes to show what cunts they are. How many of them put the good of the country above their own election chances.

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The Georgia Secretary of State has certified Biden as the winner of the Peach Stateā€™s 16 electoral college votes

The Georgia Governor is requesting a Signature Audit.

This fucko again :rofl:

Some of the Michigan testimonies have been amazing :laughing:

Yer wan is off her head :rofl:

The reaction when yer wan says all Chinese lookalike!

Only the ā€œbest peopleā€¦ā€

You wouldnā€™t get elected officials in Laois disparaging the Chinese


You would in Laos


CNN finally starting to cover the Hunter Biden Grand Jury investigation.

Democratic Rep Eric Swalwell being investigated for his connections to a Chinese spy.

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Payout time cc @Copper_pipe

Trump gonna bring as many down with him as he can

SJ is barely able to speak in this press conference.

Heā€™s not in good health.

Who is SJ?

Carrie Bradshaw I presume?

Sleepy Joe has had to come out with a statement following a lot of public concern about his health.

He has confirmed he has a ā€˜Bit a coldā€™.

Very irresponsible of him to be out and about at his super-spreader event last night.

Losing to Sleepy Joe in a landslide is embarrassing for Trump

Trump won by a lot if you only include the legal votes