US Presidential Election 2020

Saw a woman at the school last week with a Trump 2020 face mask.
I haven’t seen anyone with a Biden mask.
Advantage Trump.


For the shy FF vote over here see the shy Trump vote over there.

This ain’t over.

Dodgy’s “silent majority” again :smile:

Write off President Trump at your peril. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Brian o Donovan come across as an awful democratic cunt . Keep your own opinions to yourself and report the facts you bald cunt


RTÉ news digging out some absolute loonball rednecks here.

Eileen Dunne there after some Irish Americans were playing the tin whistle with some pro Biden song - “and we hope to be singing that over the next week.”

RTE are so anti Trump, it’s laughable.

Ya her job is to read the fucking news so we can form or own opinion! Who wants to hear what she thinks .

Most of the world is anti trump. He’s a figure of ridicule. You think rte should be making a case for him? It’s not their job to bring balance to US politics. “Rte is biased against president trump”, you sound like a weirdo.

RTE is a public service broadcaster. They should be able to broadcast the news without their own prejudices showing. They can’t do it domestically so it’s a bit much to think they’d be able to do it on international relorts


It’s over lads. Biden will bate him a point a state

I don’t give a shite about Trump or biden. #RTEbias drives me nuts though

None of ye listening to Joe Duffy today , no? I switched it off after half an hour listening to the fucking thing.

We don’t all get to park the car round the back of the shop and snooze for an hour



Munchin box of chocolates

It’s not about making a case for him, it’s reporting on the US Election in an impartial way. I don’t think that’s too much to ask of the state broadcaster.

Newscasters/presenters bringing their own biases into the equation wouldn’t be tolerated for domestic politics so can’t see why it’s fair game for the democratically elected leader of the free world.

The Don has won from worse positions

It’s nothing more than a distraction at the moment. We’ve enough shit on our own shores to be worrying about.

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It’s like Coronation Street or Emmerdale or something at the best of times