US Presidential Election 2020

Quite the opposite. The rhetoric, media, vitriol etc around trump has increased dramatically since 2016. Cancel culture has embedded itself, Hollywood is uniting against him, social media accounts have been suspendedā€¦

Itā€™s understood that hollywood sells californiacation

Biden will walk this.

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Donā€™t underestimate the Republicans in America . When they get out and vote itā€™s game ,set ,match .

What way does voting work? Why are their massive queues to vote? Do different states vote at different times and is it just for one day?

In person voting only one day, Nov 3. All states have mail in voting if you request it but a subset require an excuse (living in another state, disabled, ill, etc).

It varies from place to place depending on where the republicans have been able to gerrymander and close voting stations in black neighbourhoods or limit access or voting times or generally disenfranchise the people that donā€™t vote republican and havenā€™t the wherewithal to challenge them and things like that.

How does the count work with all of these mail in ballots, is there an RDS type of place in each state where there are hundreds of counters or is it done electronically. ?Will the TV networks be able to call the state at 9pm?, if not then when. This could end up as a clusterfuck if on the night they will be able to call it. Will it be worth staying up for it?

So thatā€™s the biggest unknown. Thereā€™s a huge increase in mail in ballots this year mainly due to Covid and in many states counting doesnā€™t begin until Nov 3rd, so depending on resources counting may not be complete for several days after. If a state is tight, expect there will be challenges and court battles. It could become an absolute clusterfuck if the outcome is close.

Iā€™m seeing big last-minute passion and momentum for Trump and no real strong pro or negative feeling for Biden.

I think that if it just came down to polling day Trump might have a 30-40% chance of nicking it on the line but the fact that most of the postal votes are already in should mean that Trump has basically no chance.

Trumpā€™s biggest problem, apart from himself, is the widespread complete indifference to Biden. Biden is doing the right thing in just keeping his head down and saying nothing.

Some guy I know who lives in the US now had a Facebook post up about queuing for 2 hours to vote at the weekend. I think heā€™s in up state new York.

Thereā€™s a huge increase in early voting as well this year. Like everything in the US it varies by state and county, some offer it, some donā€™t. Most places arenā€™t well set up for the demand this year.

Florida says they will release the count for the early and absentee ballots as soon as the polling places close on Election Day. Which makes you wonder if they are already counting them as they come in, and further wonder if someone knows what that count is and could be leaked out.
Given a massive number of people are voting early, once those numbers are released they might be able to call the election right there and then, because if it looks like Biden has an unassailable lead then Trump really has no path to victory without Florida.

Watch Georgia. Hasnā€™t been won by a Democrat since Clinton in 92. Neck and neck in the polls.

In Oregon itā€™s all mail in voting. Some states you need special exemption to vote by mail (old, infirm, military etc). Most are somewhere in between. Many offer early voting, but the window on that varies from state to state. Itā€™s all over the shop really.

If Sleepy Joe wins in Georgia, itā€™s a landslide. I suspect he could sneak it.

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Is there any state Trump didnā€™t win last time out which he has a realistic chance of winning this time?

Outside shot at Virginia, no other Iā€™d imagine

Outside chance in Nevada and Minnesota, New Hampshire and Maine to a lesser degree. All unlikely though.

Not particularly, small but diminishing chance in Nevada but Iā€™d expect Biden to win here by 5-6 points, he got within 1.5% in Minnesota but all polling here has Biden by 8-10 points. It hasnt gone for the GOP since 1972 in Tricky Dickys landslide over McGovern.