US Presidential Election 2020

Three judges on the Supreme Court. That’s his legacy.

Trump and his groupy cult tried to take Big Pharma and thousands of jobs out of Ireland but Paschal shouted stop

The Democrats will just add a couple more to suit themselves. Old norms and conventions not worth a fuck nowadays

I’d rather the 13 billion that apple owe us now to pay off the covid loan ,and they can stick their thousand or so jobs up their hole .


Bill ,nice to meet you.

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6 in one really, rte doesn’t help but trump being a cunt is a solid reason

RTE didn’t make him an obnoxious pig. My own grandmother cringes every time she sees him on the telly and switches over. I suppose I could blame RTE for her dislike of him for not blurring out his fat orange head

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Can’t wait to see her face when she sees the hat. Trump is a cunt. Doesn’t matter what medium you see him on

You’re sure about all this? I’m not overly confident that you’ve judged it correctly.

It would be hilarious if Biden pulled all American investment out of Ireland as one of his first acts.

The likes of that cunt Ryan Tubridy and Matt Cooper wouldn’t know what to say.


That wouldn’t be hilarious. It would send this country into an economic spiral never seen before. It would ruin people’s lives and lead to more suicides and broken families anyone here has ever seen.

If you find that hilarious, then you are a broken soul.

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Then Irish people should shut their mouths up about Donald trump.

Ah so you want Ireland to be a dictatorship. Interesting.

Biden will pull nothing out of nowhere . MNCs make their call based on hard brass tacks . They are here due to access to EU single market and good tax breaks from the Mick government . Very hard to see that change in 4 years of a Biden Presidency .

All that said a Trump win will be funny just to see the reaction from the smuggerati in the Irish media .


They’d blame Donald Trump


Don’t think Biden would do it, but it could be on the agenda for Congress if Democrats do a sweep. There is a logic to it, retrench until the world economy starts to recover.

Tough break for any Bay area types who might still be sympathetic to Trump here

Biden had won Cali before the race started.

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What a wonderful young lady