US Presidential Election 2020

Trump is great craic. Thereā€™s going to be some meltdowns here next week when he wins again.

I suspect the polls are deliberately inflated to give off the impression itā€™s a done deal, it didnā€™t work four years ago so make the numbers higher this time.
Win Florida and PA and Trump wins, that will translate to comfortable wins in TX, NC and the likes. I just plain and simple donā€™t trust the media one iota on these poll numbers.

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Golfing cunts

Sleepy Joe is a native of Pennsylvania. Canā€™t see Trump winning there. That means he has to hold onto one of Michigan or Wisconsin along with everything else from the last time to get up to the winning line.

Heā€™s in flying form since he saw off the Chinese bat flu. Heā€™s great entertainment. The White House will be a much duller place if heā€™s beaten. Sleepy Joe is just bland and dull. I do think though that he missed a trick rushing through the appointment of Judge Amy.

I see Noel Rock has a piece on The Journal predicting Biden will win. Some of the most inane commentary youā€™ll ever read. Full of baseless assumptions and bald assertions. He even manages to shoe-horn in how he ā€œworkedā€ for Hillary, the whiff of West Wing fantasy off him is palpable.

What do media outlets be at with this stuff? The newspapers are the same, the Sindo have some lad who looks about 16 from the Communications Clinic with a weekly column analysing the election tactics, as if he is aware of the actual motives behind the candidatesā€™ actions.

I dislike Trump intensely and hope he loses but itā€™s hard not to eyeroll at the circle jerking at times.


The big mo is with Biden as we close in on Tuesday, Trumps path to victory is getting narrower. Another poll from Monmouth out today puts Biden up 6 in Florida, if Trump goes down here itā€™s game over he has no conceivable path without Florida. That would be a seven point swing since 2016 and would almost certainly mean NC is definitely gone and GA also. Almost 80 million have voted already well past 50% of the 138 million that voted in 2016. Unless there is a dramatic shift Biden could win the highest number of votes for a Democrat since LBJ in 1964.

Sure Hillary had Florida won last time out until they counted all the votes

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He must be a helluva politician

Its probably a bit like going to a roaster wedding where the menu is either chicken or vegetarian

You did it right mike- chicken with and vegetarian

Chicken or vegetarian? Is there a silent beef option?

Harris. :wink:

There should be a cut off age to run anyway , over 70s fuck off out of it . People want a leader with a bit of energy, a bit of go . Not some auld cunt who needs a nap every two hours .

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You havenā€™t taken a peek inside the Phoenix park lately no?


He doesnā€™t seem or need to do very much. US President is a different story all together.

Florida is Trump country

Looking at the overall state of these opinion polls, youā€™d nearly feel sorry for Sleepy Joe for the state of shock heā€™ll be in this time next week when the real results are in.

More people have already voted in Texas than voted in 2ā€™16.

Does trump need texas ?

@Enrique @ironmoth There is hope for everyone