US Presidential Election 2020


i think a good chunk of yanks would prefer if he was in this



Come on Donald old boy ,do it for dixie .

What a great campaign its been from sleepy Joe and now this

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Biden’s risk in PA and the other swing states is will the traditional Democrat black and hispanic vote hold up. As of two days ago 75% of black voters were yet to vote in PA which suggests apathy at the very least.

Do you think trump has any chance?

If he wins PA it swings the balance towards him and makes Biden’s path more difficult. PA is a good bell weather for other Midwest swing states like OH and MI.

A week ago I would have given Trump no chance, but he is bringing enormous energy to these closing days. It would still be a huge surprise if he wins, bigger than 2016, but this is 2020.

Trump will do it . He is a fighter .

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Well he would have been if it hadn’t been for those damn heel Spurs.


The other issue to consider is Covid. It’s obviously the #1 issue, and the country is hugely divided on it. Most states have reopened to some degree and people by and large are in a living with Covid mode. Democrats have played a strong hand in blaming Trump for 230k deaths, but the counter argument from Republicans is Europe has had just as many deaths and are now back in lockdown. It’s a bit like a macro version of the TFK argument except people here are probably split 50:50 along party lines.

Yep . Whatever you say old timer …

Everyone who could avoid going to Vietnam avoided it. Trump, Bill Clinton, George W, Dick Cheney. Even John Wayne avoided the draft.

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Farage Farage Farage

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There was a 90% chance of rain last Saturday night every forecast had it . The rain never came .

Trump will squeeze home.

A punchers chance