US Presidential Election 2020

Pennsylvania looks to be the be all and end all for Trump. With Biden from near Scranton you would expect the homeboy would carry it but if you havenā€™t done a whole pile in your political career they will be first ones to point that out to you.

Trump will be leading PA til they count the mailed ballots. There is a real sense he will try and call election. If that happens all hell could break loose. If no election is certified it gets very messy constitutionally

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Sean Spicer explained the mail fraud angle very well on newstalk drivetime earlier. MSM has ignored the concerns which are valid. Dead people being sent ballots with no id requirement in some states.

If the sort of unrest in the streets and talk of voter fraud in the USA was going on in a smaller country in the likes of South America or the Middle East* the Americans military would already be putting plans in place to go in and restore democracy.

*countries rich in natural resources

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Get ready for the Red Wave!

Very interesting. Polarisation/siloing of US politics. Social media bubbles?

I think I heard the other day that there has to be a result declared by December 8th come hell or high water or riot or supreme Court challenge?
Is this true?

Youā€™ll never go broke starting a war

No. The states have to certify by then. If they donā€™t their votes may not count and it gets very messy.

RTE will have Brendan Oā€™Carroll after the break from Florida, assume you give his views on US election

RTE might well just threw their hat at whole thing

And Eddie Oā€™Sullivan because he used to coach their rugby team !

Thats the Irish State Sponsored Media for you.


He is saying it will be a landslide for Biden

ā€˜There are Trump voters who wonā€™t tell you there Trump votersā€™ - Brendan O Carroll

Thank fuck theres no one like that on TFK :smile:

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Oā€™Carroll threatened to stab a Trump Supporter with a screwdriver and Claire Byrne finds it hilarious.

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Brendan Oā€™Carroll calling a BIDEN LANDSIDE

Jason Byrne or Ed Byrne have yet to call it. Stay tuned to RTE for more details


Obamaā€™s cousin from Moneygall will be wheeled out next.


Nate Silver talking out both sides of his arse. Giving Biden a 90% chance, then saying PA is a toss up and if Trump wins there heā€™ll likely take MI and WI too as theyā€™ve similar demographics. Canā€™t have it both ways.

Looks to be not far off 50-50, maybe slight edge to Biden as he doesnā€™t have to win as many of the toss up states as Trump and can win without FL.
Iā€™d say 55-45.

Eddie a bit more balanced here

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Donald Trump knows what women want

Heā€™s been good.