US Presidential Election 2020

I havenā€™t really been following this US Election stuff but I presume the forum is fully behind The Donald?


Biden referred to Black men as ā€œSuper Predatorsā€.

The democrats have let down the African Americans. They are doing a lot better with the Republicans.

Also, the Republicans ended slavery.

Thought I was watching CNN there for a minute.

Right on brand :+1:

Bidenā€™s mate Obama created far more devastation through his actions in the Middle East than anything Trump ever did.

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The only thing the forum loves more than a underdog is a racist. Come on trump.

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Yup, TFK at its very best. Or worst

If it wasnā€™t for the Chinese flu trump would have this put to bed.

Look up Joeā€™s 1994 crime bill there, mate. Much more damage to black and Hispanic people through that than anything Trump has done.

In true Eddie Oā€™Sullivan fashion I would like to point out that I would vote for Biden if I was American as he is the lesser of two right wing evils

What happens if a first lady pops her clogs while her husband is in office , does he get some kind of stand in ?



Trump got great support on Tipp FM the other morning.

Joe is quite old,unfair to be held to account for some of the things he says.
The democrats are pro civil rights and pro Ireland Inc.
The Republicans did indeed end slavery, pity Trumps not one of them

Yes, a second lady.

The second lady is the VPā€™s wife :grinning:

Joe O Biden has a lovely knack of drawing them all out :clap: :clap:

Look how President Trump eased tensions with Kim Jong-Un and put the Iranians back in their box. Thatā€™s leadership, thatā€™s a POTUS

Who children? Sick.

Theres always a back door

I will miss the first lady