US Presidential Election 2020

He has, although anyone would have looked good after BOC


Fintan O’Toole :grinning:

Eddie was good there.
Poor Fintan will have some shit fit if the Don wins.

These radical left types are getting very nervous tonight


What a pointless poll


Interesting that it has to explained why people would vote for Trump

Who are these people they ask in them polls :joy:

Eddie for the first time articulating on RTÉ why people might vote for Trump.

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Eddie made sure to stress he wouldn’t vote for Trump himself

Its obvious enough why it needs to be explained when a failed rugby coach is the first person on Irish TV to ever give any tangible reasons as to why people would vote for him

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They’ll need an army to get Trump out of the White House.

10% for Trump. :smile:

Matt Cooper spent a weeks wages on text votes for Biden.


The Russians just took down Fintans Skype link

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Tangible reasons for voting for a racist?

Don’t give a shit, guys.

What a speech from sleepy Joe :clap: :clap:
Unity > Division

US Marshalls are who would do it.

Perrys head is too big for her body.

Joe Biden has done a lot more damage to black and Hispanic people in America than Trump has

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That was better than usual from RTE