US Presidential Election 2020

If Joe Biden wins, Bisexuals will kill the suburbs

Our friend Greg wont be well at all at all

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another ringing endorsement

That would actually pass for some of Bidenā€™s statements

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Although Trump might surprise my prediction is for a narrow Biden win, with both candidates winning some of the key states and plenty if opportunity for Trump to call it early or cause mayhem if he wants.



He deserves to lose after that

Illegal aliens will overthrow fossil fuels.

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Good discourse here on American politics and its effect on minds of people in other continents/countries.


Trump 13/8 last night. 11/8 now.

Some lad put Ā£1m on Biden at 1.5 a couple of days ago.

Thatā€™s a brilliant thread.

Watch today for Matt Cooper and his ilk who will become emotionally over involved in the US election, which has no real bearing whatsoever on their lives.

He makes some great points also about the bizarre adoption of causes.

Yeah he hits the nail on the head numerous times in that thread and it confirms all my preconceptions. I think Ireland more than most is susceptible to this mentality due to the amount of US tech companies/ big Pharma etc based here and of course our geographical location. These companies all have their own core values and ethos. If your face doesnā€™t fit you wont be hired by them. There have been lot of cultural appropriations with US in this country too in recent times. I dont like to see too much of it to be honest as it can distract from real issues that affect the population in our own country day in day out.

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Iā€™m not sure how accurate the market on betfair is to be honest but itā€™s implying trump has a 40 percent of winning. Being honest Iā€™d say itā€™s all trading.

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It looks like it is coming down to Pennsylvania and the polls give Biden a slight advantage there and its probably reflected in the betting. It is a 40 electorate vote swing if you win/lose in the race to 270. Trump has held massive rallies there. 4 on Saturday alone with 57,000 people at one of them.

I think Bidens campaign has lacked energy. No real enthusiasm. The rhetoric is ā€œvotehimoutā€ rather than vote for Joe. It is just a question of if the motivation for someone to vote trump out is stronger than to actually go out and endorse Biden and vote for him. Anger can dissipate into apathy so my suspicion is no. Biden has said on stage there that they plan to transition from oil which wont win him many voters in Pennsylvania. Himself and Harris might be just too left wing for Democrat voters there. Looting and violence in Philadelphia wont help and early signs are that that Trumps base are more energised than Bidens.

Given how much has been staked surely there is a lot of money locked up on Biden on bigger odds and fellas are laying some of this off now to lock in a profit which would tilt things a bit.

2.2m of 9m registered voters have voted by post so PA will take a few days

The election will be called by end of bidness US time tomorrow. Biden in a landslide

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Yes thatā€™s what Iā€™d be thinking. Shrewd operators like @Smark were backing Biden this time last year and could now be locking in profit with the finish line in sight.


Lads, you have a problem.