US Presidential Election 2020

Hell of a life this fella has carved out for himself

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2020 is the year all the cunts evolved into memes and it’s getting difficult to muster the energy to generate hate towards them

Is this the attempt at your hazing ritual you like to give the new people of TFK. A sad sad man you are

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Where is that @glasagusban lad , get in here ta fuck ,

You’ve given yourself away there

There was no laying off last time, the traders won’t make the same mistake again

Genius ,I dropped you little bits and pieces all week .

US equity market appear to have decided there is going to be a clear winner, for what that’s worth.

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Poor aul Doonbeg getting an awful going over on the national airwaves and twitter. Some snowflakes wish that they could be cut off from the rest of Ireland and cast adrift into the Atlantic off for their support of Donald Trump. The irony is that they along with large parts of rural Ireland have been cut off in terms of support for years. Of course they will support Trump.


Trump is a great supporter of the local GAA

Trump is actually value @ 2/1

Sorry, I wasn’t paying all that much attention to this profile of yours.

So you are getting 1.5 on a 1.03 shot?

Are they not both amazing value here. Off the top of my head is there not an opportunity here for a huge arbitrage profit? If you put €10x on Biden and €4x on Trump?

Ignore all noise until the polls close First up is Indiana and Kentucky at midnight our time which Trump will win both handily. Trump won them by 19 and 30 points respectively in 2016, the the key lookout here in these states is the margins if similar to 2016 it’s going to a long few days if his margins fall off which I expect that puts Michigan Wisconsin Pennsylvania into the Biden column and puts Ohio in play. Beer chilling for later and tomorrow booked off as PJ Mara once said “It’s showtime”.


Has the teatime rush started yet?