US Presidential Election 2020

Like Abe, I believe in America. Donald Trump believes only in Donald Trump

Heā€™s some dose

Gina mugged him off there

Iā€™m on Al Jazeera here.

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I am executing Trump tonight, donā€™t worry I wonā€™t keep your beloved Boris waiting long after

Yeah exit polls are fairly meaningless other than trends but then they need to be adjusted for early votes etc. So nothing like here.

Where is Kanye on the ballot?

We need to see more of Gina London on the telly


Gina :heart_eyes:

Their coverage did have a negative impact on the Presidentā€™s approval ratings during the summer.

However, I think the CNN negativity was too much and people just turned off in the past month. CNN turned into a Caricature of themselves.

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He would be a republican of he was a Catholic

Heā€™s married to that Sinead Oā€™Carroll off The Journal would you believe.

Looks positive for Biden in Florida. It could be over by 1am

My man in South Beach says the Democrats have Florida by the balls

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Itā€™s over so. I might stay up.

This could be done within the hour the way its looking

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Iā€™m not saying Trump will win but it would be interesting to see the corresponding thread on here for 2016 at this time

A lot of lads living in the past I see

Yes, itā€™s in fact very easy to believe