US Presidential Election 2020

He wont. He didnā€™t even want this gig.

A veritable man of the people, he only got a million from pop to start him off shur

He managed to blow it too

Any chance of a link to cnn?

Ye just missed the best Irish TV in years lads. Some no mark blueshirt had Pearse Doherty about to throw a box at him


It is in Ireland not sure about the states. They made a big deal to highlight this during the gay marriage and abortion referendums

infowars just isnā€™t the same without Alex Jones but itā€™s still funny

Just go to and watch there

Fuck it looks like Trump is matching his previous performance in Indiana

CNN have gone long graphics for this.

Mad that there are results coming out and some people can still vote

I think itā€™s hard for anyone outside the US to understand the Trump phenomenon. The closest analogy would be Brexit, a sizable portion of the population fed up of both main parties and especially fed up of the establishment. The American dream vanished for these people over several decades and they were easy prey for a salesman like Trump who identified (correctly in many cases) their issues and vowed to solve them. Keep in mind neither party paid any attention to these people, Republicans always had contempt for them and Democrats paid lip service.

Trump is an absolute cunt but thatā€™s one of the main reasons his base love him, they absolutely loathe liberals and establishment Republicans alike.


Trump matching 2016 results in small counties in Indiana and Kentucky. 5,000 voters and 14,000 voters respectively sample size.

He was 3% down in the bigger county. A drop like that nationwide and heā€™ll be bate to death. This granular analysis by CNN seems a bit pointless and mental. But I suppose it fills the time

People are fed up by being told how to think.

Is CNN on the Sky box?


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How about Kanye lads - any predictions on how he will do? :thinking:

Oh yeah I can definitely see why Americans like him