US Presidential Election 2020

They have counted mail ins first

who’s winning?

I love those sweeping statements. If he loses are they happy with being told what to think again?

useless cunts

CNN reporting on rounding errors here and trying to get an hour out of it

He’s already been chosen by god…the people just have to endorse the decision, a mere formality

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Hilary beat him by 3million votes last time

It’s hard to see how any of that poverty and lack of opportunity is ever resolved either. There is no prosperity coming to the Appalachians no matter who is elected. The States is almost too big and too partisan to ever be able to tackle these problems and there’s no long term benefit for a party in doing so.

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Florida looking good here

I hadn’t realized but he is running for VP, at least on my ballot. The presidential candidate of the American Independent party was Roque “Rocky” De La Fuente Guerra. I would have given him a second preference but sadly that isn’t an option.

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Yeah but I thought that CNN then said that particular county was counting its early and postal votes first?

However, that is at least a major indicator that the early and postal ballots should be massively for Biden, which is vital for him.

It’s all nonsense at this stage really. Filler before the killer

This white lady presenter is terrified talking about race. She keeps looking at the black one like, is what I said ok?

Biden stridin’ ahead in Kentucky

It’s a truly divided nation economically. I do think Democrats now have to take it seriously, otherwise we will have another Trump or worse in 4 years. The pendulum definitely swung too far in favor of the largest corporations and big tech, which benefits people on the coasts and a few other pockets like NC, but with a bit of investment there is no reason the wealth can’t be spread wider. The post Covid world should give that opportunity, if we had a bit of creativity in government.

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They were whinging about POTUS using the facilities of the White House for his war room earlier.

The Trump fanatics are cracking up Pearse Doherty style here

First time for everything

Literally all 3 million in California, which adds to the seethe felt by those who vote for Trump.

Most serious countries believe in democracy