US Presidential Election 2020

Biden has been caught at the post in unlucky Kentucky

BBC me hole, I broke this story half an hour ago. Texas is in play too

Virginia has gone blue.

The Trump apologists have gone very quiet

I am also calling California for O Biden

Biden ahead in Flordia again. This is good craic

A sad day.

Looks bad for Trump. He needs everything to go his way without Florida

389 for Biden
149 for Trump

I am calling it

Ah he’s plenty of time to win it back.

The longer it goes on the more this is looking like the greatest night in Irelands history

Biden is fucked in Florida, the Latinos have abandoned him

Trump firing back in Dade.

Lads this is fascinating

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Watching this Florida coverage on CNN is nerve-racking. :cold_sweat:

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Trump has Florida I’d say. Panhandle votes aren’t even factored in.

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Florida is like a penalty shootout.

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Would this cunt ever stop interrupting your man on the map

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Yeah it’s amazing. It looks like Biden has taken back Jacksonville, which went Trump last time but has lost his key democrat vote in Latino Miami.

  1. This is good for Florida as a whole. It’s a much less divided society than 4 years ago (not what anyone expected)
  2. Biden Jacksonville is a very big deal nationally because there are plenty of cities in America like Jacksonville but Miami is more unique.

Fox guy nearly in tears here about losing Georgia :rofl:

The women of the USA have turned agin’ creepy Don :clap: :clap: