US Presidential Election 2020

They can nearly call Florida for Trump now.

Sounds like they are about to call Florida for Biden

Yer man on the touch screen on cnn is flawless. Far better than Derek mcgrath and Jackie tyrell when they stand up on the Sunday game


They shouldn’t fill in the colours at all until they’ve at least 20% in or something. Your man is making a right cunt of himself clicking on the map only to find out there’s 14 votes counted


NYT saying 88 per cent chance Trump takes Florida

This is senior hurling.

Florida in the bag :clap: :clap:

Pensacola, Panama City, Tallahasse all to come in

Yeah and I don’t think those early Georgia votes are all that significant.

The only significant things that I’ve seen so far are:

  • Petersburg
  • The Latinos in Miami
  • Jacksonville

What a time to be alive.


Vaccine next week.


The Mix for Six

O Biden up 16-13 :clap: :clap:
The Trumps die hards were singing and dancing earlier.
They’re not singing and dancing now

CNN is unreal. Just the numbers.

He was brilliant four years ago also, can’t believe it was that long ago. It seems like only yesterday.

West Virginia comfortably for the good guys . It’s 18-16 now to the President

Clinton got 65% in Miami, sleepy Joe only 55%. Game on in Florida

It’s intoxication by numbers. Unreal coverage

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Wolf is very jumpy.

Trump will be happy with Florida so far. Panhandle still to come

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Cobb County GA. President Trump got 48% in 16 but he’s on 32% now with half the votes counted. #worrying