US Presidential Election 2020

Do people still get the aids?

My auntie has one for hearing .


This is a game-changer.

We can add aids and cancer to the things trump knows more about than anyone else

He’s still seething 2 and a half years later :smiley:


Reality is that Trump has a base of about 40% that he can rely on. It’s a good spot to be starting from

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his life has been absolutely destroyed by President Trump

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Unbelievable. All you have to mention Trumps name and he flies into a rage

Matt is going need watching when Boris Johnson seals Brexit :laughing::laughing:

Anyway. I haven’t been in these American threads in a long time owing to all the reams of back and forth jostling between the usual suspects. But if I can ask a question without it resulting in a 300 post debate. What are the chances Trump WON’T be the Republican candidate for 2020? Is there a precedent whereby a party wouldn’t back a sitting president for a second term or could this happen? Would he need to be impeached or withdraw from the race as the only course by which he isn’t their candidate?

Carter was close in 1980 to being ousted by a Teddy Kennedy run.

Teddy Roosevelt tried in 2012 to win the Republican nomination from his successor Taft. He lost so went and set up the Progressive Party which split the vote and allowed Woodrow Wilson to win.

Very little chance of Trump being ousted. The establishment of the party are now mostly on board with him.

The most likely scenario for an incumbent not running with the Party not supported them as a major reason is LBJ in 1968.

At this point there is zero chance that Trump will be ousted by Republicans, especially as the economy is still in good shape. His approval rating is at about 43% which isn’t great but also not a disaster. There is also zero chance he will be impeached, although some Democrats think it’s worth pursuing (it isn’t, the Senate won’t convict him which he will claim as another victory). The only thing that could change is the US falling into recession in late 2019/2020 but if that’s the case nobody else would want the nomination.

The Mueller report was a clear referral to impeach.

The issue of impeachment should not be some children’s cat and mouse game like you think. It’s about upholding whatever democracy the US has left and holding a president who breaks the law to account.

Whether the senate impeaches or not (they won’t, because the senate is Republican, and Republicans will defend Trump no matter what he does) is not the issue.

If the Democrats refuse to impeach, they shouldn’t be surprised when their base doesn’t come out in 2020. Why should voters come out for a party that doesn’t take the job of government seriously?

Much of the reason Elizabeth Warren is surging is precisely because she has been so clear in calling for Trump to be impeached.

Impeachment, aka doing your job and doing your duty, ie. exactly what government is supposed to be about, is a vote winner, not a vote loser.

Trump cares about three things - money, power, and immunity from prosecution. The very last thing he wants is the Democrats to begin impeachment proceedings because it blows things wide out in the open via public hearings. It forces the Republicans to defend the indefensible.

Refusal to impeach enables him. It enables him to commit crime, it enables him to voice open intent to commit crime like he did last week when he sent out a call to the Russians to do the same as they did last time and more.

If the Democrats won’t do their job and impeach, they can’t credibly claim any moral high ground whatsoever, because they will have enabled Trump, they will have stood back and done nothing when they had the chance to do something.

Pelosi and the corporate Democrats who think they’re playing a “4D chess” strategy which in reality doesn’t work, have been totally gutless so far.

If Pelosi continues to refuse to impeach, she shouldn’t be surprised when Trump wins in 2020, because he’ll have been enabled to make damn well sure he wins by any means necessary.

You don’t cow down to a fascist. You fight them at every fucking opportunity with everything you have.

Democrats need to step the fuck up to the plate, now.

Impeachment has a very high bar, which is why outside of judges no political figure has been successfully impeached in the history of the US. Bill Clinton perjured himself to a grand jury under oath and obstructed justice, and yet not one Democrat in the Senate voted to convict him. Obviously committing a crime didn’t matter to Democrats in the case of one of their own. The argument not to convict Clinton was that his crimes did not meet the bar of “high crimes and misdemeanors”. Mueller did not identify any crime by Trump in his report, you and others are grasping at straws.

Mueller had the opportunity to clearly state a crime had been committed, regardless of whether the DOJ would prosecute a sitting president or not. He made no such claim in his report, citing no evidence on conspiracy and punted on obstruction. The most obvious suggestion of collusion/conspiracy was the Trump tower meeting, Mueller could have charged Trump Jn. or Kushner who were actually at the meeting, but chose not to. Clearly Mueller after a two year investigation decided there wan’t enough evidence, just as Comey decided that “no reasonable prosecutor” would try and prosecute Hillary, even though clear breaches of security protocols were demonstrated.

The Russia collusion story is dead, except in the minds of those who still believe HRC won in 2016. Keeping it alive actually helps Trump as his narrative of “no collusion” fits the outcome of Mueller’s report much better than “Trump is Putin’s puppet”. Those who peddled the Russia conspiracy story, like Rachel Maddow, have lost all credibility (and ratings).

Elizabeth Warren is doing better in the polls because she actually has a platform with a series of populist policies, unlike most of her competitors. She also comes across as reasonable on most issues, she is clearly not anti-business like some in her party (AOC shooting herself in the foot again this week calling out Amazon for paying “starvation” wages, when they pay a minimum of $15 an hour). This after she led the campaign to drive Amazon out of New York, killing 40K jobs.

Democrats have a choice, embrace a candidate that appeals to the majority of Americans who care about things like jobs and pro-growth policies, or be dragged by the left of the party into a “business is bad” rabbit hole that plays into Trump’s hands. The latter is a losing proposition, which is why Pelosi has been marginalizing AOC before she does further damage to the brand.

In summary, literally nobody in the US cares about the Russia story any longer, other than the usual shriekers on Twitter.

You’re actually completely dismissing the words of Mueller himself and the premise on which he conducted the investigation.

I find that premise, where a sitting president cannot be charged with a crime, to be utterly baffling and a symbol of a rotten “democracy”, but nevertheless, it was the premise on which the investigation was carried out - that the prosecutor could not make a determination on whether Trump committed a crime.

But I find it not at all surprising that you conveniently airbrush this from history and prefer to rely on the words of a hopelessly corrupt attorney general who has been thoroughly discredited. That’s wwhat you’ve done in all your time on this forum - you have an incredible emotional investment in believing the liars and rejecting the truth.

All the problems with your above post stem from there.

I also note that you refused point blank to address the central point of my previous post, preferring, as always, to run with far right Republican talking points - which is laughable, seeing as you’re now claiming to be campaigning for Kamala Harris, something that nobody with any sort of a functioning brain believes.

Impeachment isn’t a game. You treat it as a game. Impeachment is about doing the right thing, a concept totally alien to you and other Republicans.

Democrats need to launch impeachment proceedings against the fascist, and they need to do it yesterday.

Expect the abuses at the concentration camps to get worse. That’s what happens under fascism, especiallly when you enable it by not having the courage of ones convictions.

White power symbols aplenty and on open display at the Trump “rally” yesterday.

But Trump isn’t a fascist, or something.


@anon7035031 showing remarkable leniency and kindness in his schooling of the unfortunate @Sidney here.

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You’ve set them off again

Complete nonsense. Trump, like any American, enjoys the presumption of innocence, it is not up to him to prove his innocence, it is up to a prosecutor to demonstrate his guilt. There was absolutely nothing stopping Mueller outlining the crimes that Trump and his campaign committed (as Ken Starr did with Clinton), but he did no such thing. The exact words from his report are “the investigation did not identify evidence that any US person knowingly or intentionally coordinated with Russia”. Nothing could be clearer. On obstruction, Mueller provided no evidence of a crime, he summarized Trumps activity as “exasperation and bad judgement” which are not crimes, otherwise lots of politicians would be in jail.

As always you want to convict people based on your beliefs or feelings and actually have zero regard for due process. In the same fashion you found Paddy Jackson guilty and continued to call him guilty (defamation) after a court found him not guilty. You are a classic totalitarian, a Stalinist basically.

If you don’t mind I won’t take advise on who to support or not support in 2020 from a loon living in a basement in Ireland who thinks his views are important (they aren’t, nobody cares Sid).

On impeachment, it is absolutely a political decision and your failure to recognize this demonstrates your complete nativity. No prosecutor would take a case where the evidence isn’t strong enough to convict, and after a two year investigation Mueller found no evidence that would lead to a conviction in any court in the land, let alone the US Senate.

The danger for Democrats is if they proceed with impeachment, and Trump is cleared (which he would be), the result might be the same as when Clinton was cleared, a 10 point surge in his approval ratings. Democratic leaders are not willing to risk this, in an election cycle they believe they will win on policy.

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