US Presidential Election 2020

Welcome to the new kinder gentler Democratic Labane.


It’s also noteworthy that your every utterance lately is straight from AOC’s tweets, which are becoming more hysterical by the day. If there were an election held today on her district, she would be resoundingly defeated due to her insane attacks on Amazon.

Americans are far more worried about 100,000 migrants illegally entering the country every month than AOC’s anti-semitic hysteria about concentration camps.

Just needed a yes or no answer lads.


You didn’t ask a yes or no question, you asked three (3) questions which do not have yes/no answers.

Up your game son, standards are very high on this thread.

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For all your gentle kindness I fear @Sidney is still hopping like a sausage in the pan.

Unfortunately, as you i) don’t understand US politics, ii) are oblivious to facts iii) take the word of a corrupt attorney general brought in to whitewash the investigation in classic fascist manner and iv) are totally hysterical - your posts contain nothing but walls of irrelevant text and shouting “communist” and “Stalin” at people, it’s sort of pointless engaging with you

But that’s always been the case

I think every reasonable poster here has grown very tired of your hysterical, hectoring tone

About four years ago

As long as you keep calling people fascists, Nazis, etc. and parroting the now confirmed nutcase AOC nobody sane takes you seriously.

You are definitely a Stalinist though.

It’s interesting you shriek “anti-semitic hysteria” in response to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez accurately calling the concentration camps what they are.

And since you do so, here’s some “anti-Semitic hysteria” - not according to me - according to you.

It’s sort of difficult to take you seriously when you actually brand yourself as a hysterical anti-Semite.

I only call you a fascist because you categorically are one, as well as a bona fide nutcase.

I don’t know why you object to accurate labelling.

The treatment of illegal immigrants apprehended at the southern US border is exactly the same as it was under the Obama administration. AOC is being hysterical, what is her proposal on how to deal with the 100,000 migrants entering the US each month? She could propose legislation to address it (funding for more centers, etc), but like all the useless Democrats in Washington, prefers to do nothing.

Disgusting that you support the incarceration of Irish women in the laundries, even by your standards that’s shameful.

You are the only fascist on here, and a danger to society.


The fascist nutcase contradicts himself #63236 :laughing:

Earlier he was argung directly against the point he makes here :grin:

You’re the person who supports the incarceration of innocent people in concentration camps, as you admit in your post.

There has always been vile anti-Semitic rhetoric in your posts, so it’s no surprise that you support Trump’s actual Nazi-like policies.

A sitting president cannot be indicted. That does not mean a special counsel cannot find that crimes were committed and identify those crimes, exactly as was done by Ken Starr. Mueller identified no crimes to charge Trump with.

You truly are a very simple person, and a dangerous fascist who believes all political opponents should be silenced and locked up.

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There are no innocent people held in detention centers in the US, only those who entered the country illegally i.e. criminals. As always you believe criminals are victims.

You claim to know more about the terms that Robert Mueller was working under than Robert Mueller himself.

This is fascinating to watch.

It’s amazing how fascist terminology catches on, isn’t it.

When you vilify people unthinkingly you can justify anything.

Oh, and believe me, anything can and will be justified in Trump’s America, with the help of fascists like yourself.

Your ignorance is astounding. There was nothing stopping Mueller identifying any crimes that Trump committed, whether Trump can be indicted is a separate question.

Are we any closer to Stumping the Trump?