US Presidential Election 2020

Biden needs fucking wins and I just don’t see where they’re going to come from yet.

He’s going to close in a lot of places, closer than Clinton probably, but that’s not enough. He needs wins.

Jacksonville is a big encouragement for him and there are some very encouraging counties in Ohio but he needs fucking wins.

I remortgaged the house


He’s 250,000 votes ahead with more than half the votes counted. In fairness they’re probably counting the early votes first.
Would be seismic if he did take TX

O Biden drew them all out of the woodwork there lovely with Florida. They won’t be long crawling back in

NC looking dodgy for mr President now. Sleepy Joe is 5% up on crooked Hillary in the urban areas in a state President Trump only won by 3%

The only way he’d take it, is if he invaded it with 2 million armed troops

You’re favourite to write the @sidney/aaron sorkin cringey windbag speech should Don pull off the unthinkable

I’d love to stay up all not watching this lad click on the map. But alas it’s past my bedtime

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Democracy happened mate



Mehhh . Bit of a reaction to Pennsylvania I would think

Trump has NC.

Ohio looks like it could go to Biden. If he wins that it’s over.

Tough guy @Enrique was nowhere to be seen until Trump hit even money.

He’s now 430,000 votes up in Tx

A lot of that is early voters which would be Biden


Must be Wisconsin not looking good for him (Trump)

Biden is 280,000 up in NC with 70% counted. Far from over there.

Biden is going to win this in Ohio.

Before you go, put a bet on Biden to win Ohio