US Presidential Election 2020

Loads more early vote to come in CNN just said and Biden is already ahead


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Forget the rest lads, watch Ohio. Looks like four more years of the Don.

I’m in enough :joy:

Wisconsin and Michigan are gone pal. You fought the good fight in fairness

I’m like a middle aged female munster fan in terms of my knowledge of us elections but I’m almost certain trump is going to win again. Cnn etc have their heads totally in the sand

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They are in total denial. I had to switch over

Sleepy Joe is 2/1 to win Ohio for those who think he will - fill your boots

Trump looks beaten.

The late voting is going to be a Trump landslide but they can’t see it.

It seems to be the Ohio vote. Its close, but I think (hope) the President will be able to close it out.

There just aren’t enough flip states for Biden. He has too much to do.

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CNN’s John King was so good in 2016 that they gave him a second screen to use this time out. :grinning:


Trump out to 6/5. Biden fighting back

Biden has a commanding lead there with over half the votes counted. Not a lock yet but looking good for Blue. Pennsylvania and Michigan not looking too positive for Red right now but Nevada might well be a sneak down the line for them yet

Final post before bed but why do you think that? He’s long odds to win almost all the swing states with bookies and ny times

It’s the other way around, Biden is making gains everywhere compared to Hildog, Don needs every domino to fall for him

I have a suspicion that Nevada could go for Trump

He might sneak Minny too yet but overall Sleepy Joe is steady

RTE still not calling Florida. Christ but they are clueless. The Beeb coverage is good. CNN is a joke.

Should be some big calls in next ten minutes