Pp have it 8/15 Trump. Biden needs it now
Trump on the drift again here
It’s around now we can see the red wave. Trump Trump from here on in. It’s all over.
We are going to win Pennsylvania, and are competitive in Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin.
Think we will have enough to win Arizona.
This will be ended tonight.
Biden shortening in the markets
The only one that matters.
Ya to expire before the morning.
Biden is winning the Mail in about 16:1 so far
The President came back from covid, went on a marathon tour of the states, a hero. America would have won the Vietnam war if President Trump was in charge back then.
Trump beating Biden in Scranton. His home ground
Places like California and New England are already talking about independence. Cleavis and Butt head would be fairly fucked then
The media still playing the “It’s tight card” thinly veiled Biden is getting absolutely hammered.
89-72 Biden
I feel there is a slight rally from Biden. He only needs to sneak a state or two to be back in this. That said, it looks good for Trump so far
We never wanted to be part of the Union.
It’s nip and tuck again.
I hope everyone traded out once Trump wen 8/1 on
If Biden wins Arizona he can win.