US Presidential Election 2020

Word is O Biden has Arizona

Biden heavy fav in Arizona now.

This is tremendous fun.


Trump may well win this.

Joe o Bidens price collapsing again

CNN saying the Pandemic was a disadvantage for democrats. :mask:

After they hammering the President all day every day since March about the Pandemic.


That segment was rushed in. Very embarrassing for CNN.

CNN just need to cut the shite talking and naked conclusions, just hand the reins to John King and let him do his thing

Biden swinging back here

Trump 4/9
Biden 15/8

Still going well for the President, but not over yet. If Trump wins PA plus one of WI, MN, MI that will be enough you would think.

Looks like Collins might hold her senate seat in Maine, Tullis up in NC.
Democrats wonโ€™t take the senate.

Alround shit night for the Democrats. They should hang it up.

Biden shortening up.

Wisconsin and michigan and ohio are red at the moment


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Iโ€™m taking a break from the tv channels. Switching between TYT melting down and Infowars in a positively orgasmic mood.
Alex Jones is there and in rare form.

This is fucking epic


Now its your turn to get excited