US Presidential Election 2020

I cant keep going all night like ye young lads

Biden statement incoming

Biden about to concede here.

Looks good for the Republicans keeping the Senate

Sleepy up past 12am a concern

O Biden about to tell his followers to pile in at 6/5 here

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Biden’s wins if he takes NE district and one of the two in ME.
It’s only 269 all if Trump holds the one ME district he won last time and keeps all NE votes.

The House is where its at nowadays

I have the pelanty shoot out alert thread at the ready don’t worry

If the trend continues is it bidens?

My man in Atlanta just sent me some great news

Get the white vestments and the guitar ready kid.

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Morning @balbec

Morning. I thought Ohio was a done deal for Sleepy Joe and Phoney Kamala?

The two lads on CNN are losing their shit here.

Its been a roller coaster of a night. Biden the one picking up steam when it counts

The Trump camp not happy that Fox called Arizona so early

Biden about to pronounce peace and harmony while Trump has the likes of @Watchyourtoes reaching for an axe

Have you been confusing what you want to happen with what’s going to happen again?


‘We are on track to win’
Joe o Biden