US Presidential Election 2020

The wife reminding him what to say :joy:

I feel sorry for Biden having to run at this stage of his life. Itā€™s a shocking indictment of the Democratic party.

Thats what wives do in fairness

Ɠ Biden rallying the troops, outstanding :clap: :clap:
He let slip too Georgia is In The Bag
Amarach gents

Trump inciting violence again in response I see

Those sneaky Dems

Serious clutching at straws by the Dems here.

Why are you quoting Blackface?

Trumps comment against the Poles needs to be addressed

Its more than a little inappropriate to quote that individual. Remember BLM?

Youā€™d make a fine proud boy with such inane logic . Ć³ Biden has you rattled and its no bad thing

I wanted Trump to win but Iā€™ve switched sides

Biden Biden Biden

Trump will win.

The dems will try to drag this on for as long as possible, but wonā€™t be successful.

Looks like we are facing months in the courts @Padraig_O_Gammon. The rabble donā€™t know when they are defeated.

60 million plus Trump voters is a hell of a rabble.

The media elite are squealing like pigs

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They will in a few days.