US Presidential Election 2020

Trump nearing 8/11 on the machine.

903 unread posts since I went to bed. Can someone neatly sum up the last 8hrs so I don’t have to read it all please?

Democrats looking good for the senate


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It’s been spot on later in game. It can move a bit

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Is yerman with the map still on CNN?


Just looking there … there’s a lot of democratic areas still to come in. This is going to the wire.

Biden came out the gates strongly in states that had pre counted early and postal ballots. Trump reeled him in on Election Day votes.

Swing states did not pre count postal ballots and Trump ahead but postal ballots to be counted should break to Biden.

Trump will want to shut down votes being counted.



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The money continues to pile in for O Biden

He’ll find a few of their sort round this place too

Ah here who is this trump shill on Radio 1?

Trump done better than expected and is in the driving seat in the remaining 4/5 states for a narrow victory. POTUS claimed victory in an entirely reasonable and fact based manner. The media and @Lazarus are losing their shit over it.


Could you imagine Leo or Mick Martin saying STOP COUNTING or i’ll go to the supreme court :laughing:

He’s just gonna create more chaos and divide - America is truly fucked.

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The Trump cheerleaders beginning to panic I see

Democracy is a trifle to them

Your vote doesn’t matter

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@dodgy_keeper how about that silent majority!?

Latinos are the biggest non white ethnic group now, if the GOP can harness their support they are back in business long term. Similar happened in a far smaller scale in Canada when trudeas liberals assumed asian immigrants would vote for him, but they went conservative as they wanted proper stable conservative governance not soundbites.

America is too big to work. This is just a bit of fun