US Presidential Election 2020

If he goes to the Supreme Court to stop counting postal votes he will win because the originalists on the Court will point out that there wasnā€™t a post office in 1787.


Presumably they are socially conservative too - Catholic etc

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When are we expecting a full result in those remaining states?


Old white man expains why votes should be counted in worldā€™s ā€œgreatest democracyā€ :grin::grin:

Lauren Guilfoyle will call it on Instagram any minute now


The money continues to pile in for sleepy Joe I see

Heā€™s on the drift again

China, North Korea and Iran are going to have some fun with this ā€œresultā€. Every tin pot dictatorship in the world will be laughing up their sleeve.

Please god let Brett Kavanaughs vote decide this in the supreme court


Are you ok mate?

There must be some bang of him now.

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Have they stopped counting every where? Thereā€™s been nothing in 2 hours

Bedtime bro

Trump has mugged the pollsters off again

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The loony left are seething

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Youā€™re better than this

But Noel Rock assured us it was a Biden victory

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Count the votes and see who wins seems the fairest way to proceed.

Trump must be nervous if he is calling for counting to be stopped. Itā€™s like a manager running on to the pitch to tell the ref to blow it up with five minutes left.


Heā€™s having a mare