US Presidential Election 2020

One thing that is remarkable (to me anyway) is that without Covid Trump would have won this handy


Patrick Mellody almost crying on Morning Ireland there. They canā€™t understand why Americans wonā€™t vote the right way.


What credence is there to this voter fraul claim? The media are saying itā€™s bollox, some pundits are saying there are isolated incidents while others are saying thereā€™s plenty of evidence of fraudulent votes on both sides.
If trump takes it to the courts Iā€™m predicting that the ā€˜fraud on both sidesā€™ argument will be enough to make some sort of case.
The tfk constitutional lawyers will make hay.

Biden has a great shot at Michigan ā€¦ It will come down to Georgia

Too early to call anything based on that. Supporters on both sides blowing their loads too early

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Itā€™s seems the Americans didnā€™t care one jot about covid going by exit polls

It was bottom of the pile

Remarkable bunch of lads the Yanks

Freedom will always be first and foremost with Americans.

And yeā€™ll all be watching :drooling_face:

President Trumpā€™s performance has been incredible.

A pandemic and the vast majority of the worlds media & establishment against him but he has defied the odds with a magnificent performance.


Joe looks like heā€™s going to snatch this in injury time

I think weā€™ll see penos here.

One thing we learned last night, Americans are fucking thick!

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Trump is hoping to win on a technicality,heā€™s goin to claim Joe made top many subs

We might not like it but the majority of peopleā€™s income increased significantly across demographics under Trump and an awful lot of people vote in their own interests. Wouldnā€™t call them thick

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But that canā€™t be? Trump is racist and nobody votes for him bar slack jawed yokelsā€¦?

CNN had a poll of the most important issues to peopleā€™s votes:

  • Health care policy
  • The economy
  • Coronavirus
  • Racial inequality
  • Crime and safety

Democrats cared about 1. Racial inequality and 2. Covid in that order. The Republicans cared about 1. The economy and 2. Crime and safety.

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