US Presidential Election 2020

Trump has solid grounds for going to court in PA

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Sure heā€™s 700k ahead in PA already. Iā€™d say he hasnā€™t much to worry about. Itā€™s not as if every postal vote is guaranteed Democrat.

The Irish are a very sophisticated electorate

Kay Burley looks wrecked.

How so?

He has nothing to be worried about so.

No date stamp requirement. Canā€™t prove the vote was cast prior to yesterday.

Milwaukee about to announce. Should make WI clearer to call - Biden has a lot of ground to make up but suggestions now he can do it.

Remaining Milwaukee count (170k) to be announced in a few minutes

There is a very smug chap by the name of Seth Weathers who is rightly stirring the pot here on BBC. Driving some Democrat lady insane with his smugness

They are gone to bed. Itā€™s like when the Americans are waiting intently on the results of the Irish general election and the returning officer for Carlow Kilkenny sends everyone home for their tea after the fourth count.


That and the right to be taxed favourably on the off chance you achieve the murica man dream

The Galway lads thought that in 2018. Didnā€™t work out that way.

I think thatā€™s too much for Biden. He could get luckily in one if those states, not two.

I was watching last night and it was excellent.

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I think Biden might squeeze home.

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Cuomo admitting that heā€™s got lots of voices in his head there :grin:

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Biden wins Wisconsin!!